Luke 14:15-24
I term the meaning of this four-part series on Luke 14 with the word great, based on the number of people invited to break bread with Jesus. The saying, the-more-the-merrier, stands out here, because it’s my humble thought that the more people present to the teachings of Jesus, the better the world becomes. Jesus’ greatness surpasses everything!
The guests at the supper listened to Jesus. Remarks of admiration to Him trickled into the conversation. Though the scrutinizers remained, as they waited for cracks in His speech to find fault. Faults allowed them to then extend on their privileged status of superiority. I chuckle now, because some in modern-day life is kind of like that. And, I’m always amazed by this.
The moral conditions of kingdom inheritance are those requiring consistency in service and behavior. My daughter and I recently had a conversation on this very topic concerning her leniency in choosing her outfits, detections of harshness in her speech, and her form of Christianity…sometimes reflecting worldly ambitions and thought. Let’s just say that the conversation didn’t go over well but ended amicably.
Friends we consistently harp on a having a better world for our children and grandchildren; however, I argue that there’s a difference between wanting and creating. Creating, is far deeper than the general surface level presentations or directions we take. Creating comes from our daily brave walks and the examples we set for Christ. Our Lord, laid bare all the wrong doings embedded in Pharasaic mind and the apparent daily folly of this group. Their fervent release of speech and behavior were distinctly arrogant and ignorant, and Jesus stripped their liturgy. We must be willing to strip ourselves to be completely awakened by Him.
Jesus’ primary application of speech was to the Jewish people. We see the servant was sent out to invite all of them. A symbol of the call to the Jewish people to get ready for the coming of the Messiah. We know in the Old Testament the many prophets, and in the New Testament, John the Baptist, did the same. Encouragement was made for everyone to prepare for the forthcoming feast! Yet, the people just ignored them. But, the Gentiles…now they responded with excitement. God longed for the Jewish people to be the first to know of Jesus. However, only a few participated, and sadly most declined.
In everything concerning Jesus, arrangements can be made to be with and in His company, at the supper table, with other eager Christians. But friends, there are times in my own life when I find every excuse not to do so. As someone who really enjoys my own company, it is very easy to persuade myself not to participate in Meetings where we discuss Him. This is not to say that my time solely with Him is not precious. Indeed, it is! Nonetheless, I know that there is a richness when I share His food in thought, deeds, and actions with others. Therefore, it is imperative that I am also present at the Supper! My time is not only mine, it is His!
There must always be in our minds the space to celebrate with Jesus. He invites us to His table to guide us, and He listens for us to share our triumphs with Him, and in Him. In these experiences we flow into His way, to show us The Way to grace, truth, and life! In His time here on earth, God was everything to Him. Let us be consistently conscious, that we are everything to Jesus as He, as the greatest of all, is everything to us! He is enough for you, enough for me, and enough for all humanity. Let’s join Him!
Enjoy your week!
(Copyrighted material)
Rev Charlotte, your reflection Part 4 deeply touches me, in light of all I’m seeing, hearing, and feeling these days. You again eloquently speak of God so personally. The relationship Jesus lived with Him was and is offered to each of us and is never altered. As prophet, Jesus told me I can do even more through my intimacy with Him the Father. Is that because the Holy Spirit is everpresent?
Thank you for your kind remarks. The writings I share are based on my own experiences as you’ve detected. Yes, Holy Spirit came to teach us. We learn from our feelings as we grow closer to Our Father. I hold the light in all things!