A few weeks ago, I experienced a great miracle from God. My case to only give honor and splendor to His glory, placed me in discernment on whether I should even share on this topic. You see, I’ve always believed that what transpires in my daily life is between me and the Trinity. Even so, I am likewise aware that my sharing on such things here, expresses the importance of speaking upon the wonders that appear in my life, which builds upon His holy ministry.
In a short sentence…I tithed twice in one weekend, and God blessed me greatly!
So today, as I begin this series on miracles. My heart leaps with much JOY. And, if you could see this, I know that you would become joyous too 🙂
Miracles are described as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency” (Webster, 2019). The divine agency, I know as God! The moral source, moral authority, moral purpose, who bring forth moral results. To believe that any other source can provide such outcomes is a lie that we must never entertain. The wonderful phenomena that comes from God, revealed to and through us, specifically during challenging times, transcends and transforms us, and those in our communities.
Miracles only come from Him!
They are never presented as part of daily walk, in our ordinary courses. They wake us up and bring God our Maker to the center stage, as the Supreme and Loving Father of all things. They create significant deviations from worldly concepts toward more longing for His presence in my/our lives.
Our God offers us freedom through his divine revelations. This agency of truth, trust, and, togetherness is complete and sufficient. When we place all to Him, he indissolubly binds to us. Our Father wants our love so much! Yet, He will never beg for it, but will favor us with His divine agency to remind us of who He is, when we need Him most. Get ready to receive!
Thank you so much Generous Father!
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