A close friend once said to me that who I am is a magnet for people who seek meaningful friendships. This comment also included her reasoning of ‘because you’re not flighty’. Though I appreciated her kind words, I simply sat with this for a few days and didn’t even overthink her statement. I just carried on with life 🙂
Later though, after I stopped for a while, I was absolutely struck with surprise. Let me share why. This is why. It is a simple why, an easy why. Here goes…Being this type of friend is the only way I know to be. I have taught myself well to acknowledge what I need to do and what I shouldn’t do to nurture anyone who crosses my path and stays with me on the same journey. The lessons have not been difficult, when I truly allow myself to live in God.
A societal system deficient in grounded spirituality will often try to condition me to behave and accept the things I most definitely can change. But as a follower of Christ, I am quite clear, I am different than who society tells me I am, should be or even follow. Christ offers me a life beyond what past experiences have recorded within my psyche. A life when lived in Him, is one representing joy, acceptance, honesty, and fullness…without limits. Simple characteristics I apply to every area of my life. I offer them…some may take them, others might critique them, and there may be a few who could cares less. Nonetheless, I move to the beat of my heart.
Jesus said “Ask and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7). And, I take Him at His words. I ask for grace and diplomacy, when dealing with difficult people. Oftentimes silence and a smile seals the main objective here. I ask for courage, when I am not sure about someone, and I reach out. I ask for trust, to flow with the process. I ask for gentleness in understanding. I ask for compassion, when it is needed. I ask to listen well, when someone just needs to be heard. I ask for respect, when needed. I ask for clarity in confusion. And, I ask for kind words to share verbally or in writing. These inseparable natures of how I live in God are magnificent representations entwined within the many beautiful friendships I hold. Though not required, the people who are generous recipients, often find it effortless to return the same to me. I really am quite fortunate.
Jesus holds a heart of gentleness, and a mind to understand human behavior. He holds an intelligence of earnestness, and always a feeling of consideration. He willingly gives these to me. And, yet still…consistently tells me I am His own, to ask for anything else I may need. He understands me so well. Me, as a member of His huge humanity. Conversely, the divine spark in friendships He gives to me, must never be tweaked to satisfy the urges of some societal influences, but instead I must continue to fan the flames representing His love. The same flames, illuminating my face with light when I am in the company of friends or even those who consider themselves my foe. Yes, there are few. But hey…I remain nonresistant 🙂
The permanency of my precious soul rejoices at His name. His guidance is a valuable and limitless gift, I am thankful for every morning!
Jesus also said “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). He recognized God’s kingdom within! He lived in God! Even so, He likewise adapted to the human world around him. He instills in me to do the same. To be steady and not flighty, with my feet always to the ground and my eyes to the sky. To pray with conviction (Nehemiah 1:5-6), admit my wrongs, and to always uphold my spiritual truth.
Inward navigations, provide an ease of care to know what needs modification. He offers me the blueprint which, at the moment it is applied, often makes the cleaning process seamless. This spiritual approachable design, tells me from every measurable contexts – what I give I receive– an unshakeable course requiring no negotiations. A humble course depicting His teachings. A worthy, spiritual basic basis, of His love.
I nurture friendships, and I am nurtured. I take clues, listen, observe, and work with my (God’s) intuition. I surrender to all that is Jesus Christ in every part of the process! The journey has been mind-blowing as it has been humbling. This, within the pure truth of my existence.
I live in God. God lives in me.
My beautiful friendships; therefore, necessitates that I press on (Philippians 3:14). With each one by my side, every bit comes as easy as the morning sun rise.
Father, I draw nearer to thee…
Have a most splendid week,
With love,