The story of Mary, the mother of Jesus is intriguing to many. Some are focused with much fascination, on a young girl who birth the Savior of the world. She gave birth with no physical intimacy, known of normalcy as the common way to bring children into the world. I say this fascination in itself, is expected from people who are familiar with this story in Luke’s Gospel. For me though, my entrancement on this topic stems from what it means to be a Virgin of, from, and with Christ.
The angel of God approached both Zachariah and Mary. The visit to Zachariah prompted his words “Where shall I know this?” (Luke 1:18 KJV) While Mary’s response was “How can this be?” (Luke 1:34 KJV) Zachariah sought process, and Mary knew of God and His mighty works; therefore, her simple response was that of acceptance. Me…Lord? You’ve chosen me? She understood God in His entirety and found herself in wonder and mercy, with willingness and fortitude toward deliverance.
Many moments in life offer up opportunities to move from virgin states of God-consciousness to those where we stand firmly before God. In standings, intimacy grows… to hold us, mold us, teach us, and bring us closer to the acumen of Him. Like Mary, we must never question the process, but instead, move to the rhythm of God. Mother Mary is the ultimate example of accepting surprises with grand trust in Our Father. A virgin giving birth to Jesus, the deliverer of a new (a virgin) way of thoughts and actions. His audience received all He had to give. Like new water flooding cranberry bogs each season, in Him we will never sink into an ocean of lies and dishonesty.
Yes, as virgins in God’s living spirit, our hearts must be clean and innocent as resting places of His everlasting love. The love He gave to us in the planning and birthing of His only son. God chose a virgin in Mary! Jesus Christ, her son is redemptive tenderness. He came to save us. He was born to give great tenderness. He loves us! May we be forever receptive students.
Enjoy this holy season,