The message of hope comes through in everything surrounding me. The desire for it, the care for it, the will of it, the joy of it, the beautiful presence of it. As I continue to see the clouds slowly lift from the milieus, I am entrenched in, the sun still seeps right through. The sun, which provides me Vitamin D and other value to living. The care to the seeds I plant for nutritious meals, the warmth it offers to the healthy earth I place my bare feet on, and yes, even the invasive tree showing off its worthless puffy seeds that take up residence in my flowerpots. The very ones I must repeatedly pluck out in the next few weeks. Yes, God’s sunshine offers nutrients even to this very tree. The one I find quite annoying at this time of the year.
I think of this tree now as I compose this short note. A dear friend I spoke with last week, showed concern about my allergy-sniffles, and I explained to her where these sniffles came from. That one tree! I likewise discussed my perception of what I have dubbed the “evil” lone tree. She found my knowledge of this species quite interesting, and shared on how much I knew of it, even though I find it to be nuisance.
I thought on our conversation, and must admit, I just may have the same ideology when it comes to people I find to be mean, inconsiderate, and downright hateful. This group do get on my nerves; yet, I spend more time going to the granular levels of their behavioral patterns, because I desire so much to know what triggers such manners. I pride myself in letting things roll off, of course that’s after I’ve prayed and written about them. I move on, but yet, I study, I study, I study…
In my research and inquiries on human conduct, my goal is to always seek out the purity system of how love may or may not play a role in behaviors of normalcy in the common life of people. It is also a great step for me to consider the enclaves where unfamiliar core values are often displayed…in homes, neighborhoods or work environs. When I hold to a steadfast unbiased process, there I find the missing links where the groups I discussed above, let go of or perhaps even give up on pure love. The kind of love Jesus is all about!
In Mark 7:1-16, Jesus taught so beautifully on inner purity. As I spent time reading this earlier today, I know for sure that going deeper to know what provokes “uncleanliness” within (Mark 7:15), must steadily be one of my life’s work. It has always been my declaration, that God’s words should at all times be actionable. The parables of His son are much deeper than the surface level, and in this life, I long to understand this human race through the applications of His teachings, coupled with various scientific methods of learning.
Now as I look back, my mother used to always say to me “You know, God never helps those who aren’t willing to help themselves”. This piece of kitchen-knowledge consistently reigns truth in my own life. As a Christ-follower and scientist, I use these gifts to quietly lift His Kingdom. When I see and experience unrest in the world, I find it fairly difficult to just say “Let’s pray about it”, as the only way forward. In prayers, God gives solutions and answers that He wants to see put into place. Prayers without action, create no entry to God’s complete earthly plan. To me, it’s like the shell of a wooden home with a beautiful wreath on the door, which when the wind blows, the wreath flies away and the home falls apart. Then the builder is back to square one. Finding solutions to prevent the falling of this world, is the way forward.
God supplies everything we need, but it is imperative, we take time to know what He desires from us. Through listening and discerning, prayerful- action is oftentimes doable.
A purity system as described in Mark 7, is the social systems and unifying values of a group. The word systemic, we are hearing so much of right now, stems from systems. The only system I am interested in at this juncture of my life is one that holds on to love. Love, which sees, love that learns, helping love, love that doesn’t judge, real love, sweet love, caring love, beautiful love, pure and clean love…this actionable Love, this Love like Jesus’. This love in areas of searching-work, like our Savior! He who put His words to action, to give us comfort and life.
God relates to us, His creation. In every step we take, we must read as well as do His will of holding on to His love. His Love… the most optimistic and pure doctrine of this, our human life. This love we need more so, right now. This love of hope.
My love to you,