Listen to me read this reflection:
Second heading: Clarity in salvation
Isaiah 6
Living with a broken toe is quite a challenge. The break was discovered last week because I finally went to the podiatrist. It’ll take 3-4 weeks to heal completely, and I am so happy I don’t have too much outdoor care to do. Life is interesting to say the least. Curve balls can be many, but the words of God are the countless forces I reach to on the days I feel as though I am being plummeted with so much. The caring nature of precious friends is so very much appreciated too. Like the friend who sent me the 2021 Farmer’s Almanac last week, the friends who check in with me each day, and the ones who make sure I am not too isolated. They are blessings, galore!
Already in a previous writing, dubbed part one of the title above, I began my journey of discussing some aspects of Isaiah six, the ones so prevalent to me. Now, to not take up too much of your time this week, I dive right in.
Last week, I stopped at God as the Sovereign over me, us, and the consecration of Isaiah at the beginning of his service to God. From the description of the temple, we see the glory of Our Most High is reflected in everything! He covers the earth and loves each one of us the same. This knowing, in every capacity, often causes me to wonder why there are some walking around feeling entitled!But hey! This wonderment could encompass in a future and different reflection…
The whole earth is full of His glory. The whole, not 1/3 or 3/4, but instead the entire earth, It’s right there! Plain and simple. Such a pronunciation by the seraphim that even the walls of the temple shook. Seen and felt by Isaiah, this experience makes an incredible impression on him.
“Woe is me”, said Isaiah. I magnify this, with “Catastrophe is me. I am not worthy, I am incomplete” is what I believe he is saying. He feels quite guilty based on his own life of sin, corruption, living with those having impure thoughts and establishing impure actions, and of his own impurity. So overwhelmed, he cries out. Perhaps a sign of his own judgment. To be in the apartness of Our Holy God. To be given this opportunity to see the Lord of Hosts! He couldn’t help but feel abysmal about his unclean lips, and probably thought that this was his time to be called into judgment. Yet, not so much…
In meditation I asked myself… for what reason was this degree of vision in works of service to God necessary? My answer came in the context, that to understand the greatness of Heavenly Father, it is essential we clench and apply the knowledge of His greatness. This was even more an imperative for the prophet of hope. In speaking, teaching, and inspiring others, on this our Christian path, there should be no room for doubtfulness. This is the platform of our beatification as believers, to partake in communion, and to recognize the ultimate sacrifice made for our salvation.
Then things changed, in verse six one of the seraphim flew toward the altar. Some argue that this could be the altar of incense, while others declare it could be the altar on which the sin offerings were made. To keep the altar pure, the coal was picked up with a tong, completely, exactly in the setting of the law. The burning coal was then placed in the hand of the seraph, it flew to Isaiah, then placed the coal on his lips. God who knew what Isaiah was thinking and feeling, directed the seraph to say to Isaiah “Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt has departed and your sin is blotted”. Friends, isn’t this what partaking in communion should do for us? Based on this very reason, I uphold that therefore such sacred sacraments are so important in our walk! He likewise knows everything about us…our guilt,what resides in our hearts and minds, what we’d rather be doing! All of it!
The Lord then said to Isaiah, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?
Us! Another sign of the Trinity. The Lord did not say me. He said Us!
Isaiah said, “Here am I; send me.”
Friends, God forgives at the removal of sin. This is the basis of the life of Christ. The message He came to tell us. The vibrant and unavoidable message, we must never forget. As people who read and believe the Bible, I have found in me and in others I know well, there is occasionally a tendency to move away from this message; the message, the first part of Isaiah six avows. Some drift away and some may not be aware of its real meaning. I remember though that anything that drifts, will dissipate and eventually sink. For this reason, I thought to share my take on this chapter.
In the recognition of our sins and our requests for forgiveness, we are renewed. Conversion to His teachings keeps us afloat. As some driftwood, which provides shelter and food for birds, and other aquatic life, we will never sink with God by our side. All happens through God’s grace!
In fact, with His gentle care, my broken toe continues to heal. Despite my injury, send me, Lord.
So next week, I’ll finish up my viewpoint on this chapter, relating to some aspects of modern-day fellowship.
I’ll see you then,
With love,