Good Growth

One of the most pressing issues on my heart as of lately, was the concern for my daughter. This is based on my forthcoming trips to Belize. On these visits to my homeland, I plan to stay on 3-6 months intervals. Although she is a young adult, the idea that I would be gone for … Continue reading Good Growth

Living in God

A close friend once said to me that who I am is a magnet for people who seek meaningful friendships. This comment also included her reasoning of ‘because you’re not flighty’. Though I appreciated her kind words, I simply sat with this for a few days and didn’t even overthink her statement. I just carried … Continue reading Living in God

Holy Boldness

I admire bold people, I really do. My daughter is a bold person. She speaks her mind, has no fear, and goes after what she wants. In some instances, these are characteristics I hold. Although in speaking my mind, I’m a bit daintier than she is 🙂 Last Saturday evening, I checked my mobile phones … Continue reading Holy Boldness

Significant Servant

Rarely am I lost for words when I begin the journey of writing this blog. My heart is often filled with many soul stories demanding to be expressed. But this morning I’ve found my attempt to be somewhat contrived, and likewise stiff and challenging. Nonetheless, the stories are still there begging to be revealed. I … Continue reading Significant Servant