Good Deeds

I’ve recently and continue to spend a great deal of time reading books of the old, specifically those written by the oppressed. Those who were bombarded with adversity of all kinds…from the color of their skin, shape of their lips, texture of their hair, and speech. Those who were called names and treated as though … Continue reading Good Deeds

Each Other & God

The initial setting is our ministry’s gentle office space where we met each month. The very space almost stripped from under our feet based on the recent decision of our primary partner. A decision they had no choice to have made, because of the massive life-changing event every person in the world has had to … Continue reading Each Other & God

Good Growth

One of the most pressing issues on my heart as of lately, was the concern for my daughter. This is based on my forthcoming trips to Belize. On these visits to my homeland, I plan to stay on 3-6 months intervals. Although she is a young adult, the idea that I would be gone for … Continue reading Good Growth

A Green Fir Tree

Upon my early rise on Monday of this week, I felt a load lifted off my spirit…my heart, my body. It was freeing to know I accomplished what I set my mind to, even though last week exposed and delivered numerous distractions; great ones, and some that could have been left in my grandfather’s antique … Continue reading A Green Fir Tree