“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.” Isaiah 65:17

For me, becoming aware of the constant flow of a budding friendship is exhilarating as it is confusing. Endearing, careful, yet bold representations occur, as I simply just move through as gracefully as I can. My mind cultivates and nurtures the promised. It roams above, as I look down to embrace acknowledgement of its imminent creation.
In a recent reflection, I expressed the loss of a friendship. Someone I thought would be a part of my daily walk for a lifetime. I know as I grow and change this is bound to continually happen. And, I’m cool with that! My unwillingness to become engrossed and stagnant in beliefs that don’t serve my soul, was a contributing factor for our parting ways. However, as the beautiful changes of this autumn season begin to show, I cloak the old and move swiftly toward this divergence evoking such precious growth. Even when the leaves listen as God speaks…rest now! rest now!… beneath this respite, the earth sings as it plans its glorious symphony of His prominence, come spring.
Like the richness and healing elements of the earth, deep and quietly within my heart there’s a song, the ‘secret fire’ or spark of newness. This, which J.R.R. Tolkien wrote so eloquently on. This spark or sub-creation serves as the host of my heart’s appreciation of likenesses and contrasts applicable to spiritual relationships.
Unlikely friendships are sent from God, and instinctively they are created by God as Will he has planned. The combination of life, freedom, privacy, and creativity, as sentient beings in sincerity, are illumination for my spark within. Life… as God intends it to be, freedom to be who we are, privacy to keep what’s precious and sacred, and creativity to become better people. Sharing between ourselves and not with the world. Building friendships from autonomous and inspired souls as we listen to and honor the Will of Our Father.
One cord ends what no longer serves my higher good. But a new song is written. It starts with one note, then one word, which supplies me with plentiful blessings…
I am sure that there’s joy in heaven for every healthy friendship. If my instincts are correct, may there be great celebration for the formation of this new and glorious Christian alliance. May this, my new song, be chosen as the first dance 🙂
I feel and know of your miracles…
Thank you ever so loving Heavenly Father,
Your daughter,
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