I’ve always made Thieves Vinegar at the end of every summer. This year, my abundance of basil and pineapple sage led me to change this up a bit. This cleaning vinegar has an excellent smell, and is very easy to make.
White vinegar
The leaves of any green basil enough to stuff about half of a mason jar
Enough pineapple sage to stuff the remaining space of this jar.
I added a few orange peels to this mixture, but this is optional
After breaking up herbs, stuff in mason jar, and pour white vinegar over them. Let sit indoors in a sunny area for about 2-3 weeks, but be sure to shake at least once each day.
After this time has passed, strain leaves from vinegar, and place the vinegar back into the jar. To use place about 1/4 cup of vinegar into a spray bottle and add 3/4 water to this. A 3-1 ratio is about correct, but you can adjust as needed.
This is excellent for daily use to spray down sinks, toilets, and bath. Be sure to rinse and dry bath and shower properly before use.
The scent is amazing! 🙂