Meyer Lemon-Dill Mahi Mahi
Meyer lemon season is such a great time for me. I create all sorts of recipes during this time to preserve their freshness. This recipe is healthy and it is bright. Continue reading Meyer Lemon-Dill Mahi Mahi
Meyer lemon season is such a great time for me. I create all sorts of recipes during this time to preserve their freshness. This recipe is healthy and it is bright. Continue reading Meyer Lemon-Dill Mahi Mahi
To stay on schedule of this weekly reflection, I bring this short note to you the day after probably one of the most highly tensed election seasons in the United States (US). As I compose this, I am weary, I am slightly mentally tired, and I am highly concerned. Although, I wasn’t born in the … Continue reading Hope Undimmed
Luke 14:15-24 I term the meaning of this four-part series on Luke 14 with the word great, based on the number of people invited to break bread with Jesus. The saying, the-more-the-merrier, stands out here, because it’s my humble thought that the more people present to the teachings of Jesus, the better the world becomes. … Continue reading Warm & Welcoming:The Great Supper P4
Ingredients: 1 Cup cultured buttermilk 1 Quart organic whole milk 1/4 teaspoon flake salt. I used regular salt for this recipe. I just made sure I dissolved it in the milk warming on stove, instead of adding it in at the end. 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice (strain) Method: Warm milk to 175 degrees Fahrenheit … Continue reading French Fromage Facile “French Easy Cheese”
At an astonishing early age, I knew I would serve God. And, with all the detours, twist, and turns, I am in awe of what this service to Him continues to reveal. The love I have for Him, my family and friends are enormous! So much of it, for my friends, bottled up inside me … Continue reading Warm & Welcoming: The Great Supper P3
Luke 14:1-11 If you look closely at yourself, with every flaw you may think of yourself. If you really look in the mirror made from every material God has created, and acknowledge that He also made you to appreciate His creation! You! If you really look, come on, look harder, will you? There would never … Continue reading Warm & Welcoming: The Great Supper P2
Ever felt compelled to share what God placed on your heart, but refrain from doing so due to several factors? I often feel this way when I am a part of some specific groups. Then when given the opportunity to share, walk away feeling strange as though you’ve stepped on several toes. I often ask … Continue reading Warm & Welcoming: The Great Supper
Listen to me read the blog below: Third heading: Proclaiming the vital message. Isaiah 6 Ever had a moment when you get in your car, drive to a familiar destination, you know the area well, but still you don’t know where you are? This was one of my moments one day over the past weekend. … Continue reading Conversion or Commission P3
Listen to me read this reflection: Second heading: Clarity in salvation Isaiah 6 Living with a broken toe is quite a challenge. The break was discovered last week because I finally went to the podiatrist. It’ll take 3-4 weeks to heal completely, and I am so happy I don’t have too much outdoor care to … Continue reading Conversion or Commission P2