This year, my daughter is hosting her first Thanksgiving dinner, which means that I can sit back and relax. Well, maybe?
The invitation to dinner came through a text from her boyfriend a few weeks ago. I graciously accepted. Shortly after my acceptance, I received a text from them both, asking me to bring several of my specialty side dishes. They wanted to add a bit of Southern charm to the meal. I politely obliged.
I began to play with the idea of making several dishes, but decided on three sides, and one dessert. Therefore, after church last Sunday, I hurried home to change, and I was at the supermarket shortly, thereafter. Not only did I shop for my daughter’s meal, I’ve also decided to prepare a small dinner for a dear friend who has to work on Thanksgiving day. It saddens me that she will not be able to make it home to be with her family this year. Her meal will include a pumpkin and sweet potato pie, one of her favorites. For many, this evening marks Pie Night at the church I frequently attend. I just love pie. I really do. The crunchy and sweet combination is absolutely delicious. Yummo! Yet, I will have to miss this momentous event. For instead, I will be delivering a surprise Thanksgiving dinner and having tea with someone who has been one of my preferred people for more than 14 years now.
Infused in my nature are often questions of what can I do to make someone feel appreciated and loved. This life journey I take, must offer consistent reflection and self-awareness of the world around me. The intimate spaces, coupled with those that are far-reaching, should always be included in my consciousness. As I progress through the aging process, decisions I make must be essentially endowed with the markings of Jesus Christ. No research can validate that as I move forward on this metaphorical journey that eating an apple every day will slow down internal and external aging. As it is, it is impossible for me to type these words without my eyeglasses! Yikes! I cuddle the peace that comes with all understanding that life includes this recognition. Outer beauty fades. Only God’s light is unswerving. His light leads my path. It is the internal I strive for. His peace harmoniously coaxes me with every step I take toward showing appreciation and sincerity. I home in on this precious advantage.
Among other privileges, I have been fortunate to inhabit this earth for 5 decades, plus. This epoch, has been cultivated with constant humility. Those brought upon by some occasional behavioral patterns, but more frequently from daily observations, familial clusters, life experiences, gorgeous friendships, and heart-felt impressions. Humble and simple are the descriptions I hold on to. They encompass my inner life and crosses the threshold of what is, who I am, and the person I must continue to become. Though I am always evolving, kindness and gentleness remains in me; right here in this moment, and into the future. Weaknesses may bring me to my knees. Yes, indeed there are a few. Whew! But I rise…and when I do, there’s impressive exultance expressed through me.
I rise…
As poignant reflection, one weakness is that sometimes love for the people in my life can be so difficult to manage. I have found it relatively challenging to locate an efficient path. Guilt sets in when I spend more time with friends and not family. You see, I want to love so much more. I am feeling a deep love, so much more…Yet, at this Thanksgiving, I am showing up for my daughter, and I am also doing the same for a friend. It is no fallacy to me that in perfect, immeasurable balance, genuine love and kindness comes with no struggle. People require active love, favor, and gentleness! I know I do. In addition, though reliable love is special, I’ve also discovered that the emergence of authentic love is also quite exciting as it is stimulating. Just the thought of unfeigned fondness toward more people in my life, is likewise, liberating. I make time for it. Conversely, I don’t intend this continuum to be interrupted. Love, and God’s love, shown through me, are indestructible.
So, this Thanksgiving as the Apostle Paul stated:
“We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing.”
2nd Thessalonians 1:3
Love and thankfulness are applicable at anytime and always so convenient. I claim it all this Thanksgiving, and throughout this holiday season. May you also capture this brilliance as God’s infinite loving kindness. On this Gratitude Day, 2019, I look forward to delivering a meal tonight, and to the precious time spent with my daughter, her boyfriend, and his family. As I anticipate so much more…
My prayer:
Father thank you for the opportunity to live out your grace and peace, so full of your wisdom. You are the ultimate source of everything. Thank you for your expression of love bestowed on me each day. Thank you for family, for friends, old and new. Thank you for pie, apple chips, and sparkling water too. If I could live on these, I would certainly do 🙂 Father you deserve all of my gratitude. For your blessings are plentiful and your love is steadfast.
Your grateful daughter.
And, to you my friends, Happy Thanksgiving!
With Love,