Upon my early rise on Monday of this week, I felt a load lifted off my spirit…my heart, my body. It was freeing to know I accomplished what I set my mind to, even though last week exposed and delivered numerous distractions; great ones, and some that could have been left in my grandfather’s antique valise 🙂 Nonetheless, I still pushed through. My feet wanted so much to cross the nourishing soil of the garden. It always does in the summertime. Just as my mind and spirit long for this gentle touch, in the wintry months of Colorado.
My research findings paper, was one of the most intense I’ve written in a while. More so, because of the emotions it presented before me and likewise, the ability to finally give the research participants a voice…brought me boundless joy. I’m proud of what I have accomplished and the helping nature it represents.
Gosh! But how did a I get here though, right?
As always, on Monday morning, I rose and quietly said as I opened my Bible “God where do you want me to go today? What do you want me to see? How do you want me to learn more of you”? My eyes landed on Hosea 14:8.
Although I am aware that everyday living models have significantly changed in my country, it’s safe to speak on my personal experiences. You see, at the age of three, my grandmother presented me with a book, at her deliverance she said, “Sweet child, you are wise beyond your three-year-old-self, it’s time I present you with the greatest book every written”. It was my first Bible! I started reading shortly after that and was learning to understand what this book was all about. I asked questions often, and my most frequent questions were about Hosea’s wife, Gomer.
I know what you must be thinking…now why would a very young person be concerned about someone like Gomer? I get that! I really do! But here’s the thing, in my household I used to hear my mother and her sisters discuss women in our community who had the same characteristics as Gomer. Therefore, at that time my tiny mind heard of Hosea’s plight being lived out all around me. Though some women in my family called the females they discussed, “ladies of the night”, everything I heard about them, was almost the same as Gomer; about women who slept with other men, outside of their marriages or those who did so out of great need. The “ladies of the night” in my country, did this mostly to feed their children. On Gomer…who knows why she did it. What we know is that she was unfaithful. Some Bible scholars believe Gomer became unfaithful after her marriage to Hosea and not before. Of course, that’s debatable 🙂
God speaks of prostitution so much in His most amazing book. As a person who enjoys dissecting the real meaning of parables, allegories, similitudes, metaphors, proverbs, and etc., I now share my perception.
*Prostitution = Unfaithfulness
*God’s people = Unfaithful
Now I break this down even further. Hang in here with me.
The book of Hosea showcases many beautiful similes, metaphors, allegories and in it, there are three primary lessons. Lessons of Sin (Hosea 4-7), Judgment (8-10), and Love (11-14). On Love though…this one always goes to my core. Through Hosea, God stated how difficult it was to give up Ephraim. He struggled with this so much. How can I give you up? He asked this dominant tribe.
God’s love for me as a three-year-old, as a young adult, during my divorce, the times I stood up to Him, claiming Him as being farce, some of the choices I’ve made, my feet on His soil, and my return completely to Him. In every step, he has been faithful to me. His love in my past, love of my present, and love of my future, remains. In my scholarly writings, last week, he whispered to me, “I am always faithful to you, Charlotte! I am always here”.
The stories of Hosea are worth getting to know more. It is my humble thought that the meanings they signify, are not about Gomer, Hosea or Ephraim! And instead, they are simply about being faithful to God. That’s all it is friends. Nothing more than this, is what I contend! 🙂
Journeyed similes, metaphors, and allegories I dissected on Monday morning are:
—“I will be as the dew” (14:5), the dew on the ground disappears to the naked eye, but my feet on the ground tells me it is still there, offering nourishment to the grass beneath me and to the plants that feed me. God’s visits and this lovely gift.
—“He shall grow as the lily” (14:5), the beautiful orange lilies I noticed two weeks ago are gone now, only their stems remain. Yet, their scent and beauty continue to permeate my soul. Like God’s admiration of me.
—“The smell of Lebanon” (14:6), during Biblical times, Lebanon has been said to hold on to the scent of cedars. That sweet beautiful scent. The wood of strength, like that of my Heavenly Father. The tree, which some believe signifies, prayers.
—“Revive as corn” (14:7), we are all fruitful when we dwell in his arms
–And…“I am like a green fir tree” (14:8), the leaves of a fir tree are thick. They offered protection from the sun and against bad weather during historical times. Resting under these trees provided places of refuge. God is my refuge!
I opened my Bible on Monday and my fingers landed on Hosea 14:8.
I remained steadfast toward my goals of last week, and God remained steadfast in His love for me. My office became my sheltered hiding space, the fir tree of all His good!
I read Hosea, just as I did as a child. Through this book, I know where he wants me, I saw what he needed me to see, and I learned so much more!
Hmm! So lengthy was this note to you this week…but you know, as always, there’s so much more in me 🙂
Love you guys,
Dissecting meaning:
Simile-comparing by favor
Metaphor-comparing by portrayal
Allegory-something in the past, which compares through suggestion
Rev Charlotte, thank you for this dense bouquet of thoughts about our God as written by the prophet Hosea!
Though I don’t fathom all of God’s thought or even yours, I feel known, loved, and comforted by the meanings Spirit spoke through you!
Hi Susan,
Thanks so much for you kind words.
May you have a most beautiful day!