February 19, 2020

God’s Promises

Passage: 1 John 4:1-9, Genesis 28:20-22, Matthew 11:28-29, Hebrews 6:18

Bible Text: 1 John 4:1-9, Genesis 28:20-22, Matthew 11:28-29, Hebrews 6:18 | Heavenly Father, thank you for being the ultimate keeper of promises. Even during dark times, they come as light to lead me closer to you. Thank you also for bestowing on me, my special gifts. Gifts to honor you that are much different from others who know you too. The diversification in your global methods, are outstanding! Thank you for living, and loving through us. You consistently listen to our souls longing for complete healing of the world we inhabit [pause and add your own request or intentions]…knowing that you illuminate our voices and intentions as effective illustrations of who you are. In Jesus’s name, Amen


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